They must have heard I was coming. :daveandmo:
Umm...Roxie is a 2. One of my bitches is coming.
Nope - that's for the boat - it's provisional until a certain minimum number pay to go on it (perhaps 20? 25?) - the it's confirmed. But, I think...
If you go to one of the other dates, the link works, and then when you pay, you give him the date. :). I'm paid!
I tried pay, but the link isn't working?
Damn you Canadians and your cheap trips!! I can't get a week for less than $1400.
Who was wandering around warning people of what a party I am? That was supposed to be a secret!! :whisper:
That makes me feel a little better :)
Damn, you should have came a week earlier where at least this single girl is there ;) I leave on the 25th!
I remover snowstorm 2001 when Seattle was shut down for two days for 6" of snow. We only get a snow day if 6" is during commute time. But, Boston...
Haha - I bought mine - but you can probably find lots from google ;)
I won't be there - but you could do school girl night?
I'm in for all of em!
Good reminder!
Dunno - what does everyone think? Dressing up much for Mardi Gras?
Hahaha. I live next door to Mikes! We could have grabbed a drink! I'm PM ya ;)
Yes!! I needs the sprinks! As long as they're canadian ones? (US ones are icky)
I'm a fan of the smoothie one - with banana and strawberry and vodka. Yum.
I just got beads and a mask...and I'm on the search for the alcohol whip cream. I heard that it's at liquor stores!
I've only seen good things on here!