Do to flight snafus my 4 hour booking production now has us landing at 12:30p on Monday the 17th. But, we are in for the cruise on the 18th and...
Same here. I stopped in the road (no room to pull over ) just to buy them the second I got the email!!!
I agree! What's up with that?!?!
Hells yeah! And I'm bringing my honey! The only guy I have found that can keep up with my drinking! AND we come I Monday it's gonna be...
That's silly. You can get two beds, and all you do in the room is sleep anyway! I brought a non-naked opposite sex friend last time and shared....
We're jeepers. I can drive over a bike if necessary. ;)
18th and 22nd (2 each)
We're planning the same dates!
Oh...I'm a party! Until about 9pm, then I sleep. Hoping the BF enjoys it :) if not, I'll be back to solo trips next year ;)
I always ask for a room on the ground floor next to paty o's - I can sleep through anything and I love being so close to the action! :D
Woo Hoo! Booking 16th - 23rd! Draggin my man with me!
Bringing my other half (Eric) this year! I missed out last year do to a serious illness, but I'm all rarin to go this year!
I'm in's Snowpocalipsblizzacane out here. The BF got stuck driving home in CT somewhere, and our state had a driving ban.
As part of the Week 8 party crew...I would like to second that notion!! 16-23rd Feb here.
That week is quite an organized bunch. Usually we'll start planning around christmas, with a schedule by January.
I always tell people it's not topless in a "you shouldn't look" way - but topless in a "Yeah! Boobies Everywhere!" way.
I didn't end up going - I had a work thing in Chicago, so I did Canada, the US, and then back through the US again. :-/
Does anyone have a picture of me in my french maid costume? I feel like I saw one but can't find it?
That is a good call. They obviously know what it is used for! White chocolate would rock.