Yipppeee Ky Yayyyyyyy!
Fireball is the new big thing for college kids and you know we all act like college kids once were at TTR
I agree with you..out of Minneapolis its always cheap to go to Cancun and TTR as its the #1 international destination for winter getaways for...
I predict when its all said and done this will become the biggest thread in Cancuncare history..
If this turns into another big ass Cancun hotel where you meet people one day and cant find them the next day because its a maze to get anywhere...
call Verizon and change your plan to the More Everything Plan and add Mexico/Canada to it..You can talk all you want and texts are 50 cents to...
What time are the shenanagins suppose to begin?
We havent but are planning on doing it on our trip in like 3 weeks..pretty sure you take the bus from in front of TTR to the ADO bus station then...
Last night at the Casino was a success..April did really good..I didn't lose any money and they comped us a room which was nice because we were in...
Going to the Casino tonight...So we're either bringing a wad of cash for tips and trinkets to TTR or we'll be avoiding eye contact with...
So is there a daytime foam pool party now? if so what day...thought I read there was but not sure
will do!! I hope TTR is well stocked with liquor over Halloween because my friends are seasoned veterans when it comes to drinking
4 weeks from today April and I plus 14 of our friends arrive at TTR...the anticipation is killing us but were super excited
been to TTR a few times in late October and never once seen or even heard of a bug issue
Dont know who she is but shes smokin' hot..great pic of you two
Dont waste time away from the Sexy Pool to go to Wal Mart for sunscreen..just bring some
next up from the "appropriate clothing" company....the dreaded Grandma Panties!
Cancun is the #1 int'l destination for Minnesotans during the Fall/winter months so getting there is always extremely affordable as there are tons...
We brush our teeth and drink the water a lot while we are there..gotta stay hydrated and never once had any type of problem..Doesnt taste as good...
Nobody pays to much to go to TTR..always worth every penny