Shit happens anywhere and everywhere, small towns to big cities in every country in the world. I'd bet tourists cause more problems then the non...
We've taken the bus many times over the years with zero issues. And those bus drivers down there dont drive slow either!
You know April and I would be 100% down
or you can park at my house. 7 min from the airport and Free
Its just really affordable going to Cancun from Minneapolis so Premier doesnt make sense for us. Our friends Bob and Angela live in a small town...
We saw that building going up last time we were there..almost looked like a McDonalds going up..Glad it wasnt. Also nice to know in one of my...
Its a younger crowd, Aprils age lol but still fun. Nice getting away from the resort for a couple hours
Tueday nights..and it right on the beach. like 50 feet away and theres a couple pools people jump in and what not and a giant hot tub. its outside...
April and I always leave the resort 1 night and go out to the clubs and always have a great time..and when we get back to TTR theres always a lot...
Never had a morning without bacon at TTR!
Wish we had some snow here in Minnesota..everything is brown
Dont they always find a way to lose! its sad..ya we go Halloween and February.u guys?
Link this campsite please..we do a lot of camping in the summer and the Dells (im a big waterpark fanatic) and would love to check it out..and we...
its trip advisor, a lot of bull crap
You have April and I on there twice..I guess we are twice as fun when were at TTR!
Ours was cheaper than the past 2 years.. out of Minneapolis theres a lot of flight options to Cancun so the prices always seem to be lower than...
will do!
We were late discovering TTR so never got to do the a la carte..they should bring that back. The breakfast buffet is always good and fresh but it...
I dont see that getting any lower to be honest. Told a few of my friends to book when we did at super low prices, they waited and now they are to...