3 more friends booked a couple days ago. they arrive a couple of days after us Feb26- March 3.. 9 total in group!
ok I lied. Back to crappy now
Back to normal for us
Holy slow!
I wouldnt recommend buying the ferry/golf cart package. The golf carts they give you are pieces of **it. I would recommend just getting your...
What time do you leave? Our flight was suppose to get in at 10 am but now its 11am with the new time zone thingy. Hopefully with smooth sailing we...
In our 6 trips to TTR so far i'd say there is no real average age. It varies so much from trip to trip. April and I have hung out with 70+ year...
No we've never did the boobs cruise just because I dont do well on boats in the ocean. On calm lakes im fine though. Heard a lot of great things...
Nice. now itll be easy to recognize you two and bring a round of shots over!
try the-bikini.com for suits. April has a ton of them and loves em. They are a little more expensive and take a while to ship as they are coming...
My lips are a little bigger being African American and all so I like to use Hawaiian Tropic SPF 45+ and love it. I'm constantly re applying it all...
April always just wears a micro g string and bra for Lingerie night, me some boxers. We always eat dinner around 5:30 6 oclock, catch a couple...
We are going a little later this year than last due to work related commitments Feb24-March3. u guys?
Nice! see ya soon!
No disrespect but not exciting news for us. Never really cared for her. Good news for a lot of people though. Still gonna have a blast Feb24-...
Whos Bob and Angela?
We dont want to sleep either, but our bodies say otherwise
You couldnt pay me to have a room near Patyo's. We are both very light sleepers so when its time to knock out the only noise we want is a fan or...
The closer our trip gets, the slower time gets. Feb 24-March 3 . feels like a lifetime away!