Jan/Feb Overlapppers 2015 Here's the post from 'dewder' I believe you are looking for:...
The sweet Mrs. Candy needs some more persuasion to commit to our 2nd cruise on this trip; we'll see what happens but keeping the hopes high.
Win or lose we will still be blue for Twins Night: [IMG] ...and not for Dallas!
Now on to the important topics for this cruise; in the great green & gold state there is no law governing the sale of AIWC which means they pulled...
OK, OK; it would be just fine for you and BarbyCouple to pay our deposits for the 31st cruise for us. :xyxthumbs: And of course we'll buy you a...
We are doing the 26th for sure, deposit is in, and are seriously thinking about the 31st as well.
Since you're there 3 days before us don't pass up helping us into the action as w'd really appreciate that. I believe we will be some what unique...
Us too! We can't wait till the 24th!
Is this encouragement for us to get on the 31st cruise or a challenge for those of us on the 26th cruise? Never mind, I like it either way!
We had originally planned on doing both the 26th and the 31st boobs cruises but then after signing up for the 26th realized the cost in dollars...
Packer games here in the 'frozen tundra' are kind of like a green & gold Paty'Os theme night. No wonder we are such dedicated fans, we have a...
????...Professors wear kilts.
At request of '2ofus196766' the following update has been added here and on the first post of this thread; now be sure to thank them and get them...
Absolutely and as many as I can get!
That really made me feel old :icon_wink:...I have never said ever!
We originally planned on doing both the 26th and the 31st cruises but then got sticker shock. This cruise seemed to start out slightly slower than...
:huh:Did I ever say that I was actually going to be wearing a kilt? :huh: ;):D
We sure will and same back to you. It really is a wonderful thing how the excitement continues to build each day until you arrive and once there...
Hi TCast! Hope the theme wear is coming together for you. The white night is basically anything white, and some will be wearing glow sticks. See...
Sorry but all you (us) losers forgot about the slippery floors! Let's count the seconds until the new posts on that arrives :icon_wink: