What if Prince didn't know a girl named Nikki?
What if Jerry Lee Lewis didn't have great balls of fire?
What if Journey wasn't lovin touchin and squeezin?
What if the Beatles didn't come together?
Hmmmm, we'll have to do some searching on the "April Addicts" for next year. It would be hard to delay our trip "home" for any length of time not...
Yep...peek-a-boo bikini bottoms
Clear your cache/history before you search for deals; these sites see your history and will give you a worse deal based upon your past searches.
The ever so sweet Mrs sugX pointed out that those links all have men's collections...now carry on.
Yes a Temptation vacation is needed badly and we've only been back a month (a tough month at that) but I haven't noticed this frozen north you...
...I believe that is exactly what I had said; we must live in the same state or something.
A dress only becomes important in the manner in which it accentuates the flesh and therefore the key thing that brings beauty to any dress and...
I know we had a room in the 5000 block that had one, I believe it was on the lowest level and on the corner, the closest room to the lobby...
I am going to TTR in May and, I will absolutely DIE that I forgot that was only a dream !!! :icon_sad::banghead:
Had 5111 and it is pretty bad ass but the room we had this years was even better...now if I could just remember the room number from this year...
It's only 11 months from today...:blueshock: and then Chinos says "what the fuck is wrong with you?".
Due to the cost of Desire it is unlikely that we would try it at this time unless it was a bump from TTR. And of course we all know how much we...
Thinking 3 weeks and 11 months in advance for theme night ideas for next year is a Cancun problem.
I can't imagine anyone ever thinking about changing Lingerie Night or Leather and Lace (Sheer) Night; they're always the best! Reading other theme...
The first time that we booked a trip somethings we (=wife) read on CCC added some insecurity for us (her). We really enjoyed the planning for the...
...especially the sports pool!:blueshock: