Latest update done!!!! We're up to 488! Did all my friends in the UK see me waving at them yesterday????? Flew over you and waved and jumped up...
Be sure to post and avatar (and let me know you did) and let me know your first names so we know who to look for and what to call you when we find...
I am but a mere Mayor, not a King.... :) But your wish is my command. :P Jamie
Normally you'd just add this to the thread but I'll add you from here. We'll see you there! Jamie
Just so folks know... I listed your girlfriend Brenda under asstrakta76 for her birthday to give everyone an indication as to which Brenda we are...
OK... Latest update done... we're up to 463 now!!!! How I love to say, "Yeah, I'm going on vacation in Cancun with 463 of my closet friends!"...
Didn't want you showing up at the airport on the 31st and going WTF!!!! :eek: :) Jamie
I put you down as April 30 - May 7 as there is not April 31st. :) Let me know your first names and I will add them too. Jamie
And still be considered a guy? 2 max. :marshe: One to wear and one as a spare in case the first pair gets ripped off in a passionate moment or...
No that one people survived... it's twist was the German aero engineer was a model plane builder.... Jamie
I can't believe I only get one night with y'all... :( Jamie
Latest update done.... we're at 438 now.... :) Jamie
Let me know your first names for the roll call and add an avatar so we know who to look for. ;) Jamie
Yeah!!!!! We have our person for the 24th!!!! We now officially are tracking a person arriving every single day in May! :) The simple things...
Welcome to the party! What are your first names for the roll call? Jamie
What day is your anniversary on? Jamie
Latest update done! We're up to 414!!! Jamie
But do you? Inquiring minds want to know.. :) Jamie
Damn... I only give those types of massages at TTR... Sorry.... ;) Jamie
Funny, Chris and I were sitting in the Orlando airport for our trip to TTR in October last year. We were talking to two other couples sitting...