Lets be honest... the "quite side" around the quite pool has a lot of noise at night from people yelling in the hallways and slamming doors....
Latest update complete.... we're at 123! Jamie
Latest update done... We're up to 119 now! Jamie
What days? :) Jamie
Well it's not like we have a test at the front door. :) We are, but there's always someone new that tries to run with the big dogs and... well......
Had to laugh when I saw this..... thought to myself... "you must get really bent out of shape when people vomit in the pool!" :) Yeah.. see that...
Except that one of you is at Desires and the other at Temptation..... :) Just and FYI.... Jamie
Latest update done.. we're up to 101 now.... Don't forget to let me know your first names if you haven't yet.... get an avatar up so we know who...
As far as we are concerned.. this is the spot! :) Easier to see who's coming, what questions have been asked and answered and plan get...
Welcome to the madness. :) What are your first names for the roll call? Jamie
Latest update done! We're up to 99 folks.... Jamie
Latest update done! We're up to 86 people now. Please check your entry to make sure I have your name and dates right. Had a few conflicting...
Ok.. I've added all the dates from here to the In-official Official May Roll Call. So for my sanity, and you inclusion, please post and updates...
Are you JandS80and15 also or different people? Names are so close and dates are the same so I had to ask. :) Jamie
Whew... thought for a moment that this was a post about dieting ON vacation! It would have been a big NO for me if it was...… At Temptation...
In about a month or so BostonMel will be looking to see if folks want to do theme nights other than what the hotel has to offer. As the years go...
But however will you be able to check the Roll Call to see who's coming in today? :) Jamie
May has the MAYHem group that has been going and growing since about 2003. :) We cover the entire month and yes the in-official Official Roll...
Latest update done. :) Jamie
It's the Official Roll Call for May 2019! Useful Info: To and From the Airport The best way to get to your hotel and return to the airport...