That is awesome
we surely know that. Jess brought those dates up and they fit between her birthday and our 14 year anniversary. So party on wayne!! It looks...
Hey anyone gonna be there the 11th thru the 19th? Just checking
Thanks for the friend request.
Gotta show my head every once in a while. What's up darin
So...This has been an entertaining 30 minutes read g all of your posts. Jenn...i hope you are happy
Hey guys. Where are yell from
Hey guys
We had a great trip. Where are yell at
Thanks for the compliments
Oh nice...not to far. That's a town my wife has wanted to visit forever
Thanks for the pic comments. Great pics for yall as well. Where are yall from
I take it yall are canadian?
Hey guys. Thank for the request. How are ya?
Hey guys. Thanks for the friend request. Where are yall from
You know,'s fun to just read all the excitement from people about to head off to this "Oz" of sorts.
Hey jimbo...bunny is perfectly fine anywhere...I have to thank you...I will tell you later. Or text me
Hey all you addicts. Been a while
U know I will...When is your next trip to ttr
Oh i like u already