Hold up..newbies?? Jess and I were looking at paris, hawaii, or fiji...but after much deliberation... ttr is where we booked. That should tell u...
So..since we have never been in march, what do yall do or wear to show u are ccare people. Tassels for the guys and...what for the gals
That sucks...but the good news is...it will be warm for ya to thaw out in mehico...
Can't get here soon enough
Hey guys. How are yall?? Can't wait for next week. Come on tuesday!!!
Oh it is gonna be a blast..have u seen the group going?? Should be the best...if not, I will try to make it so.
That's exciting. Since we just decided to go, we have what...4 days to get everything together....so excited and yet need more time. At least...
6 more sleeps for us. Keep the pool warm for us
Don't worry...there is usually a good size crowd that dresses up. And if not, then go loud and proud
What a day...decide to go to temptation and find out there is a booze cruise the next day...deposit sent steve!!! Count me and cafegirl in brutha
Wish u were going next week
Some quickies can be good. Your right
Preach on...can't wait. This trip was just decided today
We there st patty day and leave the 21st. How both yall
When are u guys going
We got your back guys. Drinks and drunk people will be waiting your arrival
Look for us the 17th....the texans..u know...from texas
Whata up guys!! Just booked our 4th trip. Look us up on the 17th. Our flight lands at 10 am so look out around noon. Message us
Hey guys. 4th timers here..can't wait to get back to ttr. Say hi when u see us