1 down..not too many to go
When are yall going
Hey guys. When are yall goin
That's funny...I can bring a toy one yes...and no..get your mind out of the gutter, a toy tractor
U win....I will bring u your prize in may!!! Any guesses?
Love the name.
Alright all u mayhem folks..get ready for me and my southern Belle of a wife!! Booked locked and loaded! May 8-12. It's on like........
We will have no tan lines as well...
It won't be that late in the month...although it would be good to see ya again
My wife and I just got back last night from ttr...we just purchased tickets for may also. Look out mayhem...we are bringing texan style mischief...
I hope u guys all have fun and I hope some of the single guys leave back...it was a blast but alot of singles...
Hey guys...how's it going??
Just landed and Wana go with yall too
This time tomorrow we should be swimming in the pool...come on 5 oclock
What's your first impression
Bring on ttr. Tuesday is so close and yet we have not even started packing yet
Wow. Alot are going today...someone will have to remind me on Tuesday. Iowa...I put that on u
Yes they can be made...give your room number and voila...away u go. Our favorite is the Chinese place..but seeing as how it's the first...
How about a st Pattys day dinner party? We are in for sure too!! We land at 10 am tuesday
I guess we need to figure out theme night attire. I have a slight farmers tan so white night is covered....