That's just funny... .... and expected, actually.
First time! Cool... well, by the time we're there on the third you'll be well-seasoned TTR veterans!
You should. Game girl, as my British bud would say!
I disagree, we agree. Kiss my butt if you don't like it. Told you, we agree. They don't disagree, either.
Here in Harris County, Texas, testing has skyrocketed, free testing sites springing up all over the place, so people are finding out all the time...
Don't forget Dubio ultraexoticsupermicros... sometimes so micro there's nothing there at all... Hot!
Are there any party "themes" for Labor Day Weekend? Friday-Saturday-Sunday? We should get something, I think. I'm not so sure the Resort's...
It has since the last time I was n there. Stacia's usually doing her own online shopping, and she merely pings me occasionally with questions...
You missed my actual point. The below sentence sums it up nicely: "The average EVD case fatality rate is around 50%. Case fatality rates have...
OK, I got a conflicting report about a week ago from someone who said they were, I wonder what's up. Let's assume it's still the card-entry room...
I think DRM has upgraded (folks who've been this year confirm/deny) to the same chip in the bracelet method that TTR now uses, so you wear your...
And... thanks to your timely FWD, we booked ours from Sept. 3 ~ 7! Man... I need some nearly-nakey time fun, sand time, Deck Bar conversations...
Thanks for the link... I'd had to have actually found it myself, otherwise...
I agree, I'd like to have a larger sample size prior to rendering judgment...
I'm in with S-Steve's I Drink, You Drink, we Drink game. That one is a lot of fun!
I think the new, updated room keys are actually a chip in the bracelet they give you when you check in... so you don't have to "hold" anything....
OK! If pretty much everyone in a 30%-40% capacity TTR is down in the Sexy Pool, it does seem to fill up, and a filled-up Sexy Pool = Good Times!
Yep... Dean Wormer. I left off the initial part b/c you two are workout fiends, the entire quote is "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go...
"Drunk and Stupid is no way to go through life, son."
I'm curious about how these turned out? Stacia's done the photoshoot before, but the hair and make-up as well... we've not done that so would be...