I know. I'm slow. But, it's negative news, and there's more than enough of that on all media channels right now. I don't need to add to it until...
I think Paul answered your question.
My mom, the career nurse (50+ years doing the do), sent me this online article. Interesting read. I'm not really sure how to fact-check it. But,...
Looks like our pre-Thanksgiving getaway is turning into something really fun!
I can't honestly say that I've smelled weed at TTR the past three times. At DRM, a couple times down by CC's beach bar our last trip. Same...
I think you've got the proper idea & attitude... It is VERY rare for someone to just go and try to... what's the phrase... "Cop a feel?" (I don't...
Nice... though at DRM I rather prefer the birthday suit. (That was Way too easy, I'm surprised someone else didn't grab that low-hanging fruit...
Exactly our experience during Labor Day Weekend. I chose the word "fled" rather than "escape" in my own Trip Report but the thought is precisely...
I forgot. We'll be at DRM Nov. 20 ~ 24, so y'all knock yourselves out!
OK, I'll help y'all. A "Room Crawl" is when at Least three couples put together a "party," which is going to start in Room 1... "Travel" (i.e....
Agreed. Good, solid dude, knows how to do sec-work correctly. That being said, there are idiots around who may be taking pics/videos they should...
The Sky Bar feels like a different planaet when compared to being around the Sexy Pool during the day. Some people, it's "Da Bomb!" Others... not...
Our membership had four free weeks at TTR, and it also has our "base room" being the Jacuzzi. We've stayed extensively in both due to this. As...
Goodness gracious... So, Steve... welcome to 2020. What else is left?
Feelers already going out, as PM'ed.
For everyone who has not yet been to Temptation, I just want to point out that you Will meet some very cool person, sometimes even people (plural...
I want to make sure I get the right room pics downloaded and labelled, so I can point out the deficiencies in the room's design from my point of...
. Bonus material is helpful to convey a message, I've found (... but you've got to "Take" pictures to "have" pictures.... see how that works,...
Yo, this is easy and it IS straightforward... if you are using SFX. 1. Get in touch with the Primer desk. 2. Tell them you want to "deposit a...
Hi, y'all... Trip Report for our trip #29 (I still find that amazingly-weird) to Temptation. I'm also going to specifically review the room we...