We're going down with our Houston crew, staying at DRM, though as we're at DRM for nine nights, it might be fun to run over to TTR for an...
With regard to just going to TTR, I completely agree with that. But, remember... we also DO get Way-Cool White towels, BLACK (and for some...
Nobody will have an idea, as we don't know how good a negotiator you are, what other perqs you want, how many nights, if you want the Yacht access...
That was what I was looking for, so tthanks!
For us and we LOVE TTR (29 trips and counting, 12 DRM trips with 2 booked for 2021) the membership would NOT have made any sense if All we did for...
Even throught he Interwebs, I'd recognize that busty pressure on me... Hi, Rayanne! Too bad we'll miss y'all in the early 2021, but Paul...
The above is unchanged from our trip over Labor Day Weekend. Really, what they are doing is pretty much just lip service to actual social...
I have to say... that bodes well for our upcoming February DRM trip. Hopefully, things continue that way!
I love that! "Defiantly!" There you go! Merry Christmas, to Tom and everyone else! Happy New Year in...6 days! (I had to count on my fingers......
Steve, he said in "this Pandemic," so since that started/declared.. March? I think it was an attempt to have all the info on Cancun & COVID handed...
Obviously not. It's still more fun than being at home, though. As Matt & Lisa said, read the existing threads on the forum. It's been cussed &...
C'mon... I just know stuff about Cancun (not nearly as much as Steve & janet), Temptation (ditto) and Desire RM (might know more than them lately,...
What does Vgl mean?
Note Steve's message immediately above the quoted one... and Steve lives there. You "might" get a fine, it "could" happen. I imagine that if...
OK, and I'm off... Age: In my experience (we've been 29 times) There really is no time at TTR where a higher-percentage of TTR visitors are...
Ummm... not trying to be confrontational or anything... LOL! BUT that response was 0% helpful! *shrug* Steve, is there a "shrug" emoji?
During Labor Day Weekend, at night I basically drank only Crown & Sprite (Mexican Sprite, but hey, it was the real Crown). I realize that was...
Stacia & I are considering getting the photo or video (??) shoot while at DRM one of the trips next year. Anyone else done that? If so, I'e got...
I've not heard anything about that and we're booked twice in 2021 already, though both before July 1.
July = Hot. TTR = Fun & Sexy time, regardless. Hot at night means that you won't to wear any big/heavy theme night outfit, you'll melt. Go with...