I find discussion of this "third leg" very intriguing and would like to learn more....
I think technically, yes, October is still storm season. But, with that said, we've been to Cancun for 6 consecutives Octobers and have never had...
Hmm.... on that note, maybe I should check outbound flights to Cancun tomorrow.... {furiously begins searching every travel website simultaneously}
Well, I mean, technically the title of this thread is "debauchery".... so we're all here for the shenanigans.... I think a walking on hands video...
I would say early October - I feel that is the last time where the weather and pool are warm.... we went in mid-October and felt that the pool was...
FakeNews, can you please post a video of you doing this? I'm not sure I understand....:p
@Jen&Kyle , Rumor has it that there was recently some sort of comparison brought to light between Kyle and another TTR repeater. I would like to...
Again, Jessica. No disrespect. I think people on here just like to banter in general regardless of whatever topic it is. Especially if a...
What other kind of cruise antics can we plan???
I thought, What in the world? How in the world are people ranting for 4 pages about chairs? Now... I see. Very funny, thread. Lol
Maybe that could be a game enhancer? Kind Kong, show your dong with KY jelly? Doesn't have quite the same ring to it, but could be fun nonetheless...
You took the bait! :-)
Well... I mean, I guess you're correct. But the name of the game is "King Kong SHOW your dong", so you're not technically playing unless there is...
I sense a little bitterness that I didn't ask someone to play KKSYD last trip??
In other news, has anyone heard of my game KKSYD???
My husband did a nude belly flop one year - the picture is PRICELESS. He got some AIR.... but you can see one little thing hanging down from his...
It's all in good fun. All of my comments are meant to have a sarcastic flair. I remembered reading a post where she was asking for a stripper...
I have found the best way to share shots.... and trust me, this is fucking fun.... is to bring clear squeezie bottles - like picture clear ketchup...
Yes! Dawn (of Dawn & Curtis.... not sure why I can't tag her) is working on getting a group-rate hotel that will come and shuttle us over to the...
Kyle, you are a planner - how many pairs of underwear do you bring per trip? I'm trying to save some room in my bag.... ;-)