Me, Me Me, of most ashured I'm counting
I am always getting out once I get started it's a regular thing, they should put something in the water like the movie grown ups
Me and hammie want one on Labor day( I assume she does) I can use it celabrate my belated Bday(by a week or so) LOL:daveandmo:
They take you to different ones depending on the day $50 to get you open bar I went for the first 5 or 6 years there but been staying at TTR the...
Yes definitely want one on the 2nd I know 2 of us who would be on it. Steve is wise and will put one on the 2nd
I hope steve has one on Sept 2 Labor day itself that would be perfect.:ernaehrung015:
I always try to get there before noon just your put suit in carry on and sit and wait till your room is ready with herbert if its not
Me and Hammie arrive on the 30th about noon was hoping for one on labor day itself that monday
I guess I got to try to find a kilt....but what to wear under one can't find out but the one song it correct?
So should I bring some down from NY?? Don't want to have to carry it home. Iwanna make sure it will be used.
I am coming labor day single always just bring a friend this time.
I am usally the only redhead sitting at the bar with Herbert drinking Mi Ties
The service fee when I was there in Jan was $7.50, I just take 100 ones that will last me If I don't leave the resort.
I hope they put better chairs in that don't kill my back LOL
I was looking at May but getting it off from work might be a little difficult but it would be alot cheaper.
I was down for NYE and I kept waking up with the sweats at night and a sore throat and I really didn't drink so much to cause that,and there where...
So far away I started planning Next spring already april or may Waiting for jackie to give a time frame .
There is an OXXO just up the raod that has some beer only noticed the coor Light but DOS Eq is drinkable
You need yo change you bottom quote now that you going to TTR it's "nobody knows you nobody gives a S$%&" is our motto not "hoot"
Back to try a summer vacation :ernaehrung005:Greg 30 Aug-6 Sept