Ohh 10 hrs then I am at the airport, I want to get there,
Down to one day and a wake up, what am I forgetting???Might have to do a walmart stop along the way if I can't remember what I am forgetting.
Only one day and a wake up friday can't come quick enough
Think Postive After a few dozen shots you won't even remember that you have a cast on. Just get there you be good
They give you till thirty days out to pay but they should send a confermation letter, you could ask Melissa on FB is you joined the group.
I'll see you there soon first drink is on me
She is great love her we'll see how she does with gtting me a good room this time
down to nine days and only five working days, that means time is going to go sooo slow now going to kill me
Yah, your right you won't want anybody to fall off the boat
Rumplimintz would make good peppermint patties
I live about 15 min away from him if he shows I m sue he'll let me know but would be nice
So many people are coming wouldn' it be funny if backs13(Jim) showed up
I booked for me and Hallie :flash:
Up the street there is a mini mart that sells coors light and other beer too
Well today just went and extended my vacation so if I get the urge to stay I can.....why do I always do that :lotsofmichaelfs:
I'm looking to book for May but depends if the job lets me. I missed my 2wks down there this year
I started with a week found it to short went to 10 days then thats to short then 12 now ended going up 14 days in the spring.
I think I am going to put in for a few more days off I just can't ever do 7 days anymore. I just am going to have to use the 11.5 wks vacation...
No shirts at all for guy I tried to get in one year with Boxer and T-shirt nope had to strip at the door.