Can they ship it directly to the Sexy Pool on October 2nd with our name on it? LOL April
Just click your heels together and say "There is no place like TTR." Poof...AIWC magically appears! Brent
We are great listeners and would welcome the opportunity to put one of those hot tubs to good use. We just don't talk much about our...
I have a better idea. Why don't we just skip the reports altogether and get right into the demos. Talk is overrated! Lol Brent
Starting the Insanity workout again in preparation for October! Brent
Prepare to have the best vacation you have ever had. Many people bring their own energy drinks or buy them at the Walmart down the street. You...
Unfortunately, you will miss out on Octoberbreast. Your dates put you in the mid October Wedgies group. This group is the first two weeks of...
Lol! April and I are sitting in the same room unknowingly answering the same questions.
Brent sells franchises for a restaurant and I'm in outside sales in the hotel industry. We both work from home :)
April sells advertising to hotel owners and I sell franchises for a restaurant concept. Brent
1. I'm 40 and Brent is 42. 2. We are both in sales 3. Swayers :) 4. We love the party atmosphere and sexy vibe! We went out with some swayer...
We went and saw Dave on Tuesday! It was awesome :)
Chip - Are you volunteering to be Darin's replacement? Brent
I don't think any of the ladies smoked anything other than poles last Travis, Andrew, and I smoked last year. Quitting is on the...
Yes, that would be awesome!
Brent and I had a really good time outside on our patio last year (on the 1st floor)! I also had a woman take off my lingerie one year on...
Kerri - Are you sure that was April you saw on your first night? That doesn't sound like something she would do at Brent
Yep, you two are a perfect additions to Octoberbreast! Well played!!! Brent
Hysterical!!!!! Love it! So Brent likes to be in front. I couldn't remember! Thanks Jen! April
April & Kyle - You both suck!!!! And NO, I don't!!!! Clearly, I was in the front though, April. Notice the netting uder my ass protecting the...