That was a super secret pic exchange! I guess Chip missed that memo though!!! Lol Brent
We would argue that your washing machine is better than any of our appliances :)
My favorite things are all the sexy fun we have at the sexy pool during the day and at Paty O's at night. And I love how all that fun translates...
We need more posts on here! Every time April goes to the last page of this thread, the first thing she sees is her While I view that...
For me, it is the feeling of anticipation I have after check in as we scurry to the sexy pool. That first glimpse of the craziness falls just shy...
That probably has more to do with April's height rather than you not remembering. She has to stand on the steps or get out of the pool before her...
Ehhhh. I am willing to bet that the Moderators stopped monitoring this thread long ago, but if it comes down, so be it.
I am pleased to announce that my two breast friends will be joining me for Octoberbreast! They love long walks on the beach, AIWC shots, and the...
If you were to change your dates, you would likely look back on that decision as being one of the best you ever made. Brent
You were here and didn't call April & I? We have been kid free for the last week too so we could have gotten out and partied with you. April & I...
What kind of bribe could I offer up that would make you willing to drive 6 hours North to help me build one of those? We just replaced the bad...
Our backyard looks very similar. Have a lot of mature oak trees and palm trees that give us a good amount of shade. Digging your tiki bar and...
The themes for this group don't start until the 3rd
I think Hallmark is missing a big opportunity here! I have never seen an Anniversary card that included bare breasts with the slogan "Sharing is...
Chlorine kills everything....LOL.
You are so good!.....and very organized. :)
And we could all travel around in the RV......or it may need to an RV caravan. I have no idea how many Octoberbreast members we have now. Does...
All Octoberbreasters are welcome!!! I just may need to make a run to the liquor store LOL. Brent and I are finishing up our kid-free...
Come on down to Atlantic Beach....I'm about to do some naked tanning out by our pool. :) The benefits for working from home.... April
69 days for us.....that's such a special number ;) April