We will be celebrating quite a few anniversaries this year! Not that we need any encouragement, but all the more reason to make this a trip that...
We can't wait and looking forward to meeting you both! You have lucked out and have joined a great group of people. We had an absolute blast...
"Fun" might be the understatement of the year! Welcome to the group and to the best vacation you are ever likely to have. Unless, of course, you...
I loved when that favorite Canadian kept doing his Irish gig on the boat with his junk flying around like a helicopter. LOL. That was...
Beast mode!!! Very impressive and I am sure she is ready for a break after the training it must have taken to get in this kind of shape.
On that cruise, Brenda would have faired far better than Brent would have. LT was the lone exception and may have had other female volunteers to...
I was captured as the Creeper in this pic! Good thing that the single douchebag on the cruise took the spotlight off of me :)
Does she sleep with those heart pasties on every night? Lol
Or it could be Amy's request for more pics to include the appliance pics that Chip referenced. Brenda's Frank and Beans made only and occasional...
Hmmmm...The plot thickens!
So you decided to book at the same time even after witnessing this group in action? You are either very brave or just as crazy as the rest of us....
What a tease!
Happy Birthday Amy!!! I'll have a shot (or a bunch of shots) ready for you at TTR for a post b-day celebration! April ;)
Looks like you will be part of this year's Octoberbreast Group. You should check out the thread for that group on here to see the theme nights...
Crack filling? This type of fun is also encouraged at TTR! Lmao Brent
Now that is hiking TTR style!
If I remember correctly, she wasn't wearing any panties and the outfit was a bit small so those with shorter vantage points had a completely...
Yes, her name was Brenda and she offered me all sorts of sexual favors too! The only difference was that she made good on every one! ;). April
I think it was Brenda. She promised me all kinds of sexual favors that night, but never made good on those promises. Brent
Oh my! I remember her. She is a real hottie. Too bad she won't be joining us this year...I was hoping to get a piece of that! Brent