Lola!!! I'm so looking forward to it! 10 days left!!! When do you get there??
Ahhhh yes, no Bubba/Gump on the list but a Glenn/Monique have paid........just sayin. :aktion069:
The clarifications make a lot more sense TRACO. I would agree, sitting around waiting sucks when there is other fun to be had. Daphneinok, I...
Are you kidding Trish? It's a honor to be in a picture posted on the countdown. I'm in.......unless I'm in a really compromising...
After I looked up Cards Against Humanity, I figured it was okay. :aktion052:
It could switch daily.......depending on who looks worse in the morning (ie ....dead?). Oops. Too much? :anon:
Are you bragging or complaining? How much room does a dozen pairs of socks take up any away? Lol. :biggrinbandit:
At the rate I refresh my phone, I am going to deplete my data plan before the 28th. Work? Is that what I'm supposed to be doing in this...
Whoohoooo!! In exactly 2 weeks, row 8 on Westjet Flt 2310 should be having Ceasers at 36,000 ft enroute to TTR! Looking forward to...
Have a safe trip and a great holiday! We will see you on the 1st!
Well technically......the original Bubba and Gump ARE booked! :headbanger:
Bubba is permanently packed. :liebe039:
I think I need to be the agent/manager for Rene and some other large Canadian. I can then drink at my own pace without drowning. Okay. That...
A TWELVE PACK! Are you serious! You keep raising the bar......damn you. :bash:
Okay...... USA Transfers booked and confirmed ☑ Pre-trip party planned for Denise B's. ☑ Preliminary packing list started ☑ AIWC for Boobs Cruise...
So nice to see the Crewe getting along and playing nice with each other! :mnm:
Mexicotraveler are you in or near Calgary? Some of us going in Nov/Dec are getting together in Calgary for a pre-trip party on the 23rd. If...
I wasn't sure how that worked. Okay we will try. I know Mario, Denise, Lynn, Claudio and Diana arrive on the 29th too. We Might be nice and try...
Rene, Michelle and I are in on the 28th as well and are always looking for dinner partners! We have white bands this trip so maybe we can get...
That effing Waldo guy??? I can never find him when I need him! :aktion047: