How can you not love the Crewe! Always stepping up to help out!
Nothing more uncomfortable as those luggage checkers reaching into the rubber glove box, looking at you with a twinkle in their eye as you drag...
My first night worst was the year I had the broken ankle. Wound up sleeping most of the night on someone's deck area because my room key didn't...
I'm hoping this is from Beck! LOL. Although I'm sure Tim was supportive where he could be. Be wary of the first night curse when you arrive.
Sue, you can catfish me anyday Hon! :xyxthumbs:
Damn......and I thought I was special!! LMAO
Bump Bump Bump
Good grief man! How short is it? Will we recognize you? :wave:
I can almost hear the eeeek! :blueshock: or the ahhhhh0hhhhhh :aktion031: from here!! :lotsofmichaelfs:
Sue, please add Michelle (Lady McGuyver) to your single ladies list. She is our friend and coming down with the Calgary Crew and has been many...
Glad you remembered the r in that statement. Lol:azzangel:
Sue, Rene and I each have a room (we arrive on the 28th as well) and are in on a referral. We will give you out room numbers as well if that helps...
Spoken like a man who has been "gotten" (see pictures other thread). :mnm:
I vote for one day early! There is of course the 6th as well.
I would be a favour of day at the quiet pool. For me, I find the music adds energy to the party, the games give us some diversion and...
HEY!!! :aktion069: You're the same dates as I am! Can I buy you a drink when we get there?? :daveandmo:
Thanks Sweet Sue!! You keep us all organized!!! Can't wait to see you! :xyxthumbs::liebe011: