I am confused about travel insurance stopping people. How so?
I feel sorry for people who don't drink -- when they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day!
I can't wait to hear what you think. Less than a month to go for us, now. I'm really excited for that nice beach.
Does anyone know what time Kinky opens? At 52, I am hoping it doesn't open extremely late. Or that there is something to do, to keep me happily...
Going about a month from now - very excited. I am not sure the resort will be up to speed as far as adult atmophere, etc. It seems like their...
About 6 more weeks until we go. Not enough reviews coming out! What is their best liquor - especially tequila, rum and vodka, anybody know?
Was hoping for a date between Oct 17 - Oct 20.
GOV was purchased by a different resort company. Oasis Sens is the only Oasis adult only resort in Cancun. One pool topless optional, beach is...
Nice! Thank you! Well, as everyone probably knows by now, I'll be going to the Oasis Sens in the middle of October. I will definitely report...
ChicagoRocker - Is your review up on TA?
Thank you so much for posting! We ARE getting the Sian Kaan Club VIP room - although my husband doesn't know it yet. It's his 50th, so I...
I'm so glad to hear that you had a great trip! I kind of had a feeling that it wasn't going to be real "Spicy and Enhanced" - LOL, but at least...
That is awesome, Mama Juana! : ) I am probably stuck working another 11 years, at least --- but we have recently been able to up it from a trip...
I think the Oasis Sens must be sitting there empty! No reviews in days! WTH? I'm going in October, and I've read a butt load of reviews, but...
So HAPPY to hear you had a great vacation! Cannot wait for your review! We'll be going the middle of October. A/C should not be a huge deal...
How about Huatulco? Have never been there, but would love to try it. There isn't much choice of resort there now, though.
You decribed it pretty well! I think it may get a little wilder at the Tiki Bar, if the right crowd is there --- but during the day, it is pretty...
Actually it was just adult only and gay friendly back in May. They didn't impliment the change to "Enhanced and Spicy" and change it to 21+ until...
I can't see the worst case scenario happening, so it's probably not much risk. ; )
Hopefully you'll have some fun & friendly people at your resort. I'm not sure they're still doing it, but Oasis used to do some sort of adult...