I try to look at reviews with a grain of salt. Look at the persons other reviews or places that you have been. I find that tripadvisor really has...
Thank you for taking the time to share your GOV experience. We are there in May and can't wait to experience it ourselves.
Thank you for the TR. Glad to hear that you enjoyed it. Looking forward to being there in May.
Thank you for the informative trip report. We will be there in May.
Glad to hear that it is fun and improving as time goes by. Can't wait for May a=to see it ourselves.
Since GOV has opened and getting more bookings the price of TTR is going down. We have been to TTR in May the past three years. Each time the...
I am sure it is going to take alot of people from cancuncare/TTR to change the vibe of the place. There is no flipping a switch and making it like...
I know that its not going to change overnight but it looks promising. I see that there are alot of things on the facebook page. I was that...
Not sure if Jamie or Steve is adding dates to the roll call but can you list us for May 9-18. Thanks
We will be there from May 9th-18th
We just pulled the trigger on May 9-18th! The rates compared to TTR made it an eaasy choice to give it a try. We booked from Ft Lauderdale to GOV...
Cheapcarribean.com has a deal going on now for the resort. We are looking to book it as it appears alot newer and alot less than TTR. The rates...
The rooms are 1229 and 1231 that have the large corner balcony. We just returned and had 1229 the very corner of the balcony.
Your full of smart ass comments playing naked vollyball in the sports pool to a couple and their brother and sister in laws. Spend two days...
wait for it! wait for it! 2 more sleeps! Getting closer.
I don't know if I am more excited about getting 3 deliveries of parts tomorrow for my ragtop of Temptation on Saturday. Okay its close but I can...
I start my vacation today (Steve) Judy still has to work until we leave. Only three more days. Guess I will have to rough it without her here in...
Five more sleeps, two more days of work, Tim McGraw concert Friday night! Saturday chilling at the sexy pool. Looking forward to seeing everyone...
Jamie, help for some reason we are not on the roster for the 11th - 19th?
This time next week we will be at patyO's!