Summerfest seemed to be more a marketing promotion than anything, changed Mr and Mrs Temptation to Mr and Mrs Summerfest, had the guest DJ, and...
We were there last year for the first Summerfest, they brought in a guest dj,she was the hottest DJ in Cancun they said, though to us she pretty...
As long as you are going on a referral you will recieve all the premier perks. The only thing you sign up for is just the sales presentation.
Yes the member gets a 250.00 credit, members only get so many referrals a year to give out, so if you go please be kind enough to honor your...
I must defend Donald, he is quite knowledgeable about the resort, and even though he is not a member I consulted with him before we bought...
For Gods sake no one mention chair saving.......... :)
We did exactly the same thing, part of the newbie learning curve I think. LOL :):beer4:
Woo Hoo!!!! Same dates as us !!! We are ready to Nakify July again. We were there last July and had an awesome time.
We used them our first time, they were good, we just learned our lesson about a shared shuttle. Service wise they were fine. We have used USA...
Woo Hoo Roll call is up for July !!!!!
Paul n Tina 5th Trip.... 7/23 - 7/30 !!! Cant wait to Nakify July again and meet some wonderful new friends.
You still pay AI and hotel fees in addition to your membership purchace price no matter what extra perks are involved.
This is our second July trip, we loved last year in July, Its hot, but just gives you more reason to hang in the pool all day. The people there...
We are members and have had 3103 which we loved the best, stayed in the 1000 block twice and the 5000 block, 5000 block was our least favorite....
I designed and ordered mine off vistaprint. I think i still have the picture if you want it. They run 10-15 dollars depending on a sale.
We prefer the 3000 block, ground floor, LOVE 3103 can walk out our patio and the sexy pool is right there, close to everything. Hope to ge a room...
Its not your physical age when you go to TTR, its the mental age you go there with. We are an early 50s couple and we fit right in. Go and enjoy...
we use a lanyard with clear plastic sheets, we also put our tip money in one so we have it with us. Solves the not having pockets problem. We also...
Decided I needed a shirt to wear around the resort when we are there, if you see us stop and say Hi !!!! [IMG]