Airfare seems to be the major factor when booking depending on the flights you need and want, room rates it seems are all close in price.Except...
What about the new chairs for seating at the burlesque show around the sports pool? :)
Donald gets called LOTS of things, I'm sure he won't mind an additional title :) He is quite knowledgeable about the resort and approaches it...
The members seating is behind the first row of chairs in a roped off section as Donald stated. We use it so as to leave more open chairs closer to...
Thats why we use the member area behind the first row of chairs to to leave more chairs open close to the pool for those who want them, and...
Since we don't use our chairs much in the afternoon we now use the premier chairs (we are members) to free up more chairs around the pool. I need...
What might that be??????????? We pay good money for our White bands, wondering how you get one for free??????????
Just designed and ordered our shirts for our Nakify July. [IMG]
Tina has a black one she wears for latex night. Its not latex but who cares it looks sooo sexy on her. And if she gets too hot we just head to the...
So many answers..... so little time...... a glass wand comes to mind.....
Like stated above, Bring something you know you will wear, something you think you will wear, and something you dont think they ake enough alcohol...
Love this trip report. Lists some of the reasons why we LOVE TTR and all the people, both guests and staff. Cant wait to return to our paradise in...
Great tips as always Ginger. Thank you. Looking forward to another Nakify July Summerfest party. Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
As long as we have a room, sexy pool, and drinks all will be well. They were changing out lamps when we were there in September and people then...
2 cups. We brung lots of extra cream and sugar. The maids will leave extra coffee if you leave a note and a tip. Thats what we always do. Plus the...
From sunrise till afternoon. Some wake after only a couple hours sleep and start all over again. We average 4 hours after Paty'Os and take a sexy...
We were there last July and are going back again this July. It is hot, but its also a lot nicer for a dip in the sports pool after Paty'Os.
July is a great time to go. We loved tbe weather and are going back again at the end of July.