May I ask why you wished you would have done TTR second?
Make sure you get a room with a HUGE shower... They're perfect for that ;)
Wow! I have missed a lot on here today... So many questions to answer! We don't really go with a "plan" to stretch us to new limits. We've checked...
I think I gave one... Or two last year
Happy tuesday!! 17 days :)
[IMG] My "countdown" picture for today... Wish Brent and April were going this year :( Or should I say Brenda...
Everytime I see the movie We're the Millers I think of you Marissa :) Boner Garage lol
Haha! I always forget about creepy single dude.
Awesome thank you :)
Oh hi!! :) I keep forgetting about this thread...
Vodka Tonic or Bahama Mamas
Um yeah these things rock! I put ice in it yesterday morning before heading to the gym at 5:30 am and the ice finally melted around 3 pm yesterday...
And yes that is me in the purple resting my head on Marissa's boobs lol
Here's a good one of us :) [IMG]
[IMG][/IMG] Tiff and I giving the mayor some love ;) I think we should do a picture countdown...
Happy Saturday! Only a few more weeks :)
Hey guys! Hope you're doing well. Hows life??
Vanilla with sprinkles! Lol love it ;)
hilarious!!! :)
I will look forward to licking some AIWC off of this awesome rack you speak of ;)