Canadian spring break. Wooohooo, eh!
I wasn't applying for the opening. I have no problem paying for myself and the girl(s) I'm with to go to Cancun anytime I want. :) In fact, the...
If you sleep with me, your trip will be completely paid for. You will get a "I'm sleeping with a cancuncare moderator" tshirt as well.
Is she really that obvious? :D
Do we know you?
Yes, especially when you show up with a big group of girls :icon_wink:
Pretty much spot on with exception of Basic. Basic when it's good it's really good. One of the best nights I had from all my 5 trips was white...
There is no more Corona Bar. It's been replaced with Mandala.
I don't know who told you that. It's not a club, it's a place to watch cheesy shows. They switch the music (not just song wise but genre wise...
Norma, you've been there the whole time. How has the overall ratio changed from late Feb till late March, in your opinion?
Why is your SB in April? Are you in high school?
Since the clubbers in Cancun consist mainly of tourists. There is really no way to predict which club is good on which night ahead of the time....
I think it may just be during peak weeks. We are going at end of Feb next year I think.
Yeah, being (im)famous will get you laid no matter what you look like. I bet even William Hung got a lot of ass during his 15 minute of fame.
I enjoy being exotic in Chicago.
Norma is not too bad. Especially if you have bbm, you can keep track of her movements and plan accordingly. I rarely had to wait for her.
I was just looking at some Webster Hall show pictures this afternoon. That was my thought exactly.