Immigration I have to disagree with you Rivergirl. You can go to Immigration 100 times and it doesn't mean things are progressing. We spent a...
Notario... FOUND IT! Notario Publico No. 3 M.D. Marco A Sanchez Vales, Av. Bonampak, No. 6 881-7540. I have been very satisfied all around...
Notarios I found Camara to be expensive and we had to wait a loooooong time. De la Peña was good and much more reasonable (we did wills with...
I have an excellent doctor. His name is Dr. Cepeda. He was highly recommended and both my husband and I had things removed by him. He is a Plastic...
I'm sure they should be very interesting! The phone calls I've gotten from an ad in the newspaper were as cute as could be. This looks like its...
There's NO PLACE like MY PLACE!
for an Improvisational play to be produced in the Hotel Zone. You must speak and understand English fluently. Experience not necessary. If you are...
You can add Clinica American Smile :D . Dr. Mauricio Grassi is an excellent General Dentist and speaks English, Spanish, Italian and French...
I really hate to be a party pooper on this issue, but I am the President of the International Women's Club. We are A-POLITICAL women from around...
Cancun is buzzing with the news of this years International Women's Club Annual Fashion Show and Hat Contest, May 19th at 9:30 am at Kukulkan...
Hi Alice...What a nice thought! Bring some extra bags and then place the clothes in the bag. Pick out a nice employee and ask them if they want...
Any type of back pack will do. Any and all school supplies are welcomed and appreciated..markers, colored pencils, notebooks, binders, memo pads,...
Hey Kelly, Happy Birthday! Still waiting for you to come visit us at American Smile! We want you to have your smile for a looooong time! Nancy
Tres Generaciones is a great sipping tequila. My husband is a very picky tequila man. He'll drink that or Tequila Cuervo 1800 Anejo. Check those...
You really have to find out what to do. I have a good friend that runs a wedding service here. I know from what she says that it's much easier to...
For everyone that's coming down, if you could help out the poorer kids here by bringing school supplies and especially lunch coolers and...
Toys have really been a sweetheart. You are exemplary for what Christmas stands for...times may be a bit tough for you but you are...
First let me start with, I have alot more respect for Santa Claus than I ever had before. :oops: Handing out hundreds of toys was not an easy...
Toys! Our Toy Drive is going far better than anyone had ever expected. We are getting toys almost daily now from MY PLACE and have even had toys...