@TonyandLisa Because of your Avatar, I read "you all" as "y'all" lol I wouldn't worry too much because there will be a large exiles presence our...
Anyone in your group bringing a good speaker? The last GOS review thread had concerns of no music by the pool
@funduo58 @TonyandLisa @Carlos&Alicia So since it doesn’t seem there will be many of us at resort on the open theme dates why don’t we try themes...
Dont forget to write if youre interested in the boobs cruise
Pretty sure it's the same thing, I saw that took when we booked
I didn't even pick that up that they said April! Maybe wishful thinking on my part
Hey guys, welcome to site and the report for those days, make post if you're interested in doing the boobs cruise so Steve can organize a trip...
Would there be any issue with swapping Fridays and Thursday night themes?
Does anyone have any objections with swapping Thursday and Friday night themes?
Once we get more votes for the theme nights we need to make this an official thread Mayday TTR Takeover Theme Nights C
Roman night sounds hot, like an upscale toga party We can combine animal print and camo print into one night So ladies wear Animal print and...
Monday lingerie would be great for us C
Ball gags, whips, chains, leather straps!!!!! whaaaaat?!? IM IN
Jess and I put down a few ideas in the other post Sexy Superheros and villains Sexy school days Lingerie Guys shirt I know Alicia suggested Sexy...
We love you guys and group of 12+ coming because that could lead to a boobs cruise set while we are there as well, fingers crossed
Another idea... Thursday is that pirate ship party boat show.. How about May 25th Pirate Theme! ... then take over the boat in a TTR mutiny
We most definitely would love Sexy Superheros Seems out dates of 20-26 are wide open
Sexy Superhero and Villains? Wednesday or Thursday? We seen they did that at TTR here and there