Thank you so much We were able to get someone but seems the best way to reach someone at resort was via email
You should really do the May 25th Boobs Cruise We booked and if you change your mind can easily request your deposit back
IMG_7554 by JessCorey posted May 13, 2017 at 1:18 AM
I was just saying on the chat that it seems we may be able to get away with a little more at Sens due to lack of security At least at night...
IMG_7552 by JessCorey posted May 9, 2017 at 12:16 PM
Updated exiles Sens Theme Nights 19 Friday (open for suggestions) 20 Sat White/Glow Party 21 Sunday leather/lace/BDSM 22 Monday Red Hot 23...
We have a card game we got off Groupon, basically has 4 topics that you can spin for, then person reads card that has question about sex...
I don't see em on the roll call, join our group chat!
You guys should join our late May group chat! PM us about it
Jess here I reaaally think u guys should do the 25th because pirate ship welcomes families (kids) and we won't be there on the 30th! We gotta...
Do both!
At least October doesn't seem like a long wait If anything check out our theme nights at GOS if you want to make the hop over for night At least...
Hey guys! Hopefully you have a late checkout and can make the cruise on the 25th
I'll relay that info to the group chat
@albri13 dont forget to get in on our group chat
Yup, the Miami number was some other business Tried the 800 44 OASIS number, nobody pics up and said to leave a message I'm gonna try the one...
Yeah they give me another number to call that nobody picks up lol
Hey all, We are trying to call the front desk but all phone numbers we try don't seem to work Tried everything off of website and non seem to...
@albri13 @ScottnLaura @Land S&J @Dawn&Jer @TonyandLisa @teamDMFP Check your Conversation (private messages) We are started a group chat group
Only issue I can see is that 21st night is only 3 couples there