A bunch of us got in April on a Westjet glitch , have our confirmation #,s and paid in full . About 50% off the room at the...
( I do some high end housing and deal with extreme designers ),, A lot of times quality, usability, practicality , wear...
Thats the whole idea of a ''mystery room.. ,,lol
I always bring one of those cubes ,, Boom bot ,,or,, anker,, there all pretty good for the size and portable ,, if your going...
well,,,,,now you ruined the surprise
They did this to me too ,, might be the computer giving the same room ,, ,, twice we had to move because of the same...
Members can't even get a room ,, but 30 days out ,, blocked off rooms or reserved do get released , so people don't loose...
Keep the pasties in your purse/clutch, husbands pocket , or wear ever in case of yellow card , if you worried
We always bring our Ionic 1725 watt Turbo Super Blaster with optional dual over dry functions , anti frizz feature , energizing mood , and...
We stop at a buffet on the island ( food and drinks included) ,, but if you want premium drinks,, and for tipping.
They have lots . Mostly pink and orange stuff, and beer,, they do make others , but the trays going around are those mentioned .
use them all the time ,, I here they don't have curtains now , so no fire hazerd
I am the source ,, been there over 1o times ,, ,,a lot of my friends have been there as many times , some hitting the 30 mark,,...
Hedo and TTR are 2 different resorts TTR catores to a wider range of clientele,, to allow Hedo style activities would narrow...
I read '' we found a hot wet hole ''
Flying direct is the safest way to go , which I,m sure you do ,, how do loose a bag on a direct flight ?
the 2 tubes of suntan lotion you don't have to buy will pay for the baggage wait?? never more then 5 minutes at the airport
roof top is limited or paid acccess
and people slept on the way back ,lol
you can try and edit your origanal post , otherwise you may have to do a new thread starter ,, the poll option is halfway down