fb ,,,''Official TTR April Addicts'' theres also some KIK group and another fb ''TTR April Addicts'',, and a Lifestyle group page...
LOL,, so was I ;) ( Devils Advocate thing) good luck trying a lawsuit in Mexico ,, If it were possible TTR would be...
Lets keep every one safe and tell them to stay home ,, after all planes can crash. taxis can crash, you could slip on the...
Something to do with chemicals ,, but you have my vote .
Thats the hole fun of it ,lol ,, years ago we brought a 13 inch strap on for a Toy gift exchange,, same year they got those...
Drones fly over sometimes too ,, make sure to give em a show
Norm,, your famous . your pic is in here was this you ?? Great ''article'',,,,,,,,,,,,,,'' he’s given underwater fellatio.'' lol
small pirate by Donald posted Dec 15, 2015 at 6:46 AMsmall pirate by Donald posted Dec 15, 2015 at 6:46 AM Pirate night ,, H&H Halloween
Most groups have their own theme nights anyway , I,m sure the resort is watching the groups . Years ago the only resort theme...
Always the late one to announce :)
floaty for the deep pool
Reply ,,,,23
fyi ,,, some dates/rooms sold out , don't wait too long ,, or book room and flight sep. and stayh flexible
Looks like my liborator
not us but our neighbor kept seeing God every night ,, constantly screaming out His name .
David Carranza Fotógrafo
posted the links right above your post
Expect at least 200,, bring a media card,, and ask for origanals ,, photos don't travel well,, everything is negotiable in Mexico ....