never have smoked in one of the rooms. never left the door open on the balcony while smoking. try to stay away from the crowd while smoking. but...
i have to agree on that one donald, even though im one of the dreaded smokers, i dont think there is enough air movement in patios. with alot of...
small price for fame glenn!! ha ha hope the guy gets better soon!!
yep glen was having a great time with his costume!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im not sure if it was the new size or the new abs? anayway i had a good pull on...
woo hoo leaving on that big jet plane tomarrow!!!!! cant wait to get there! really need a vac.
ha ha party pooper!! just a few. but i will wait until night time.
ah yes, end of work week!! boarding plane friday heading to cancun!! does life get any better? nope!!!!!!!!!!!
:huh:what me? I have no idea what you are talking about!! ive promised to be good, very good!!!
:mnm:mmmmmm did someone say tequila!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well been a little lazy with gym. too much going on right now. but its all good! dont be too hard on yourself m, losing inches is a good thing!!!...
:huepfen013:leave for ttr in 8 days!!! yippie!
well throw us into the waiting game ha ha! god question about when we are all wearing the shirts. we will have the place warmed up for all of you...
just looking at the oct- first week of nov. I wonder if the resort will run out of alcohol? nope guess not april - may broke them in. still...
yep got our tanks!! love them!!!! great idea. thank you for getting these together.
ha ha isnt it strange when you start thinking about age, and you think to yourself really that age huh? i always forget, i just dont feel old!!...
i know wearing levis wouldnt be an option for me tooooo hot!! but for guys linen pants, and yes dressy shorts are fine. but just t-shirts and...
dont drink!!! im getting a hangover!!!
oh my was a bad girl yesterday!! had fazolies for dinner. well one bad cheat day, and back at it today. was worth it tho!! sad brought the boat...
yep humidity and all that. we take fabric softner sheets and frebreez. works really well. really only a couple of the rooms weve had were musty....
hi welcome aboard! ya its nice to be able to vent, and celebrate the good and the bad. seeing good results, just could kick myself in the butt for...