we will bring the apple cider!!
It would be great to see you guys over Halloween!!
9th day today smoke free!! not as bad as I thought. congrates Kathy!! phil is doing it too which makes it easier!!
well I think food is tasting better!! hummm time for the gym, cant gain back all I lost!!
actually we know of some people who were there last week. cant wait until phil gets to work tomorrow to see if it was one of their group!! I saw...
ok, im not going to defend smoking at all. but I will defend the right if someone chooses to. but don't light up in a crowd of people if they...
yep ate too many carbs one day, got really sick feeling. don't do that anymore!
you will. just keep in mind your goal. but never stop living, for that one date in mind. Its hard for me to remember to balance out the fun. but...
:bandit::mnm:day 6!!! alls well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey I thought it was spitter? well just goes to show what I know!!!
jealous as hell!! but have a good time!! at least its summer so there is more to do while I wait.
habits suck!! well the shopping habit is a good one!! ha ha ha
yep, that works. I know I will be drinking sometime soon, but will make myself stick to e cigs. have tried only smoking when drinking and end up...
ha ha and the rubbing in starts!!! com on oct.
yep a person could starve to death in a rumpled bed, before you realize, damn I have to do it myself!!! that's when the planning starts!!
people everywhere can co exist. period. nobody is going to like or agree to everything everyone does, eats, wears, drinks, smokes, pops, ect....
yep! still cant figure it out!!
Thanks!! This is my time to shine!! To hell with the stinky sticks!! I have plans for my smoke money!! hee heee heeee heee!!
Day 5 of no smoking! going great!!! hmmmm maybe the e-cigs have a value after all. have a great day guys!!
when 10 yrs are up? were you told that you have to replace them? ive never been told that. the first set I had, I had for 20 yrs. these ive had...