im sure the reason the kitty is so skinny is they probably have a lot of kittens. life span cant be that long. we stayed in the 5000 block a...
you look amazing!! wow great job!!
:huepfen013:way to go!! watch out patios, theres a sexy brit in the house!
it wont there is no way it could!! you will rock sept.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12 days smoke free!!!!!!! ya baby loving it!
I will have to check them out. poor lady might get really flooded with the body painting people!
:blueshock:hey your suppose to be working!!!!! I don't think the style laura is wearing is for you, but who knows, just have to give it a...
awww but most husbands like whips right?:icon_smile:
do they stick good
yep could get twisted all right!!!
im sure that would come with more than towel art right?
isn't there a lady that does body paint and henna tattoos there still? I forget her name. but her brother does the perm. tattoos.
you know I love cheesecake! not just any cheesecake either. my aunt makes cheesecake factory taste like crap!! but this year I said no to having...
quiet pool rooms are great. pretty handy for getting drinks while getting ready for dinner. patios was to noisy for us. not that I had problems...
well thank ya m!! tomorrow it will be 11 days smoke free. kinda proud of myself! yep I need to jump on the get in shape wagon myself. going...
very cool idea!!!!
problem with with air drying, my hair is never dry!!! straighten it and 10 min. later, walla!! curls again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so I gave up mostly...
ahhh I see but they are cheaper in mexico. so you can buy twice the amount, to smoke the place up!! :biggrinbandit:
wow that sucks!! hopefully I still will be smoke free in oct. now what they f with the e-cigs!!
:huh: im sure I have no idea what you mean!! phillip should have said it would kill a horse. haven't been able to force myself to do it in a...
ha ha apple cider vinegar!!! deb loves it!!