Just a short review on our recent trip to TTR. This will be our third trip at same time. Day 1 We had a direct flight to Cancun with no problems,...
Hi guys, not sure if we met, we just got back on Thursday, we did meet up with alot of U.K couples. For avatar go to this link, you may have to...
It was nice to finally have met you guys this year.
We are back home now after another great week with you May Phuckers, see you next year.
The shits are caused by excessive drinking and eating foods you body is not acustom too. I get it every year. As for viruses I haven't seen anyone...
Security is tight around sports pool. Was told to put bottoms on or leave pool last night
I have noticed that security was not going after the numerous topless ladies at Paty O's which was great for me
The weather has been great except for our first night on April 30 which was cold and drizzle. Other then that night it has been sunny and in high 80's
Shut up about fast forwarding time. We are here now and want time stopped please. Lol
Weather looking alot better today. Yeah
Damn 1st night curse got us last night. It was pretty crappy weather yesterday, cold with drizzle no one in the pools hardly anyone topless. They...
You are in for the time of your life, May 9th theme is trucker hats and fake mustashes, if you see "fancy pants" she may have extra hats for sale....
Yes there are alot of south Americans there, just not too many on here on CCC.
Stupid cell phone won't give me options to post pictures, will fix on main computer
:doh::banghead:http://facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152421120781223&id=595891222&set=a.10152421094926223.1073741827.595891222 no more doing this...
Wow, only 2 sleeps left, time went by fast this month, time for it to slow down now please.
We were drinking beer and driving last May with no problem, but we didn't go out and draw attention either, I did manage to rear end our friends...
I heard they were cracking down on it, which sucks, have to be more secret now
Alpharooms the last two years, booked flights seperately for direct or better flight times, arrive early to TTR, leave late on last day, hate...