2 birthday boys on the cruise. Could be quite the day. Lol
Boobs Cruise the day before you leave. Very brave, the 8th is going to be a good day.
Bumping it back up
I think the only themes planned for March are mid month
There are CCC themes for all of April already. Also the first week of April take over group is doing their own themes which don't really line up...
Bump back to the top
Peachland in the beautiful Okanagan Valley of British Columbia
Yes, we do. Will be posted later today. Cowboy wins, it got the most response. Only 1 other vote which was for Bunnies and a suggestion for...
Have one
Same with USA Transfer $55 round trip, private ride up to 5 people and beer. The difference is Steve who owns this forum gets recognized for the...
We use USA Transfer.
Glad we're flying direct to Cancun from Canada.
We bring both and use whichever is required for what we are paying.
Yes, pretty sure that is it except for finalizing the 07.
Missing another party. :( One of these times our timing will be better. :) Or we'll have to book mid February ;)
My bad. was supposed to be NEON Saturday. Depending the group, yes can get good participation. No reason a guy can't pull of Pink, we could have...
Be prepared to become addicted after your first vacation to the resort.
Trip advisor is not a reliable source for information. Before our first visit we were reading trip advisor and almost didn’t book then we found...
We get in on the 7th in the morning