Steve understand we looking at April
Happy Hoosier, Looks like your group, better half and I are only ones, so guess we have to show GP how MIDWEST...
Are dates posted somewhere that I have not seen Have not seen any dates for March or April and was wondering if they are still going...
Have I missed something been watching for March and April dates ????
Ok We doing sexy hawaiian Night with grass skirts on Saturday night the 8th and Toga Night on Tuesday night the 11th all are welcome to join have...
White Night?
April 7th to 14th at GP so dam ready
47 more wake ups short flight, short bus ride and a MIDWEST WEEK OF PARTY and no flippin work
We are booked for 7th to 14th at GP
After five trips to TTR and trying couple different Jamaica resorts we are giving GP a try and see what it is all about
It a Possibility for us Mainly if Chino is on trip although wife is little worried she won't take top off due to her Breast cancer so we will see...
Coming in on 7th and yes would be fun
Agent has always has gotten us better price through Apple/Fun jet, than trying to piece through Orbit, Expedia or any other?? Apple/Fun-jet...
Looking like just us Bunch of WUSSIES can't handle the PARTY Work Dam Hard to PLAY EVEN HARDER You can't Drink all day if you don't start at...
thanks Steve will check that out and so flippn ready after this first couple weeks of new Year Going to be very long
Is it Time yet dam
will see sounds different that resort has No Theme nights either so need come up with something for night or 2
We are working on some other couples as well but will See hell I'm ready to go now with this shit weather we are having today I hate Ice at least...
Golden Parnassus Booked April 7th to 13th 2 so far working on 6 others IF they snooze they loose
Booked leaving the 7th out of St Louis