All great choices! I had two of the break away g strings like the last option last year and they were my favorite! However neither were sheer (my...
Kyle, your revenge probably hurt your hand more than my ass, lol! This was post boobs cruise, I was feeling NO pain! ;) But yes, I went home (3...
I don't think we had the standard first time arrival at TTR last year, lol. With the tropical storm we flew in on, we were just glad the plane...
You should DEFINITELY come to Octoberbreast 2014! Our feed generally stays toward the top of the list so it shouldn't be hard to find. Once you...
Can't wait to meet you two in October!
Thanks ladies! ;)
Trip reports boring?!? No way! They only prove to get us more excited for the party to come in October!!! I'm also curious as to how Jenn...
Very, VERY nice April!
Thanks for the compliment! You have some great pics too! ;)
Thanks for the friend request and pic comments!
Incredible trip report! Definitely got me more excited for Octoberbreast (I didn't know that was possible!)!!
Ooh! I vote you DO take preview pics and post them on here! You could always delete them after sharing! ;) They could still totally be a surprise...
Considering there is not a 50 shades theme to LBD night this year, I'm sure the paddle will not leave our room. ;) If anyone is broken hearted...
Coolio KISSED me (on the cheek, but still!). #suchagroupie lol!!!
Oh my gah! Make fun all you want, but Matt and I are currently at the Vanilla Ice and Coolio concert in Nashville, lol! We couldn't resist being...
Definitely sounds like a GREAT time! ;)