That is not true. I provided your solution....TV at swim-up bar. Or the Sports Bar for a more engrossing experience. But you think or assume it...
Well now we know....I assume
Well you never seen my "For Those About To Rock" AC/DC Jamie's with a school boy jacket. Killer! Or my 'Dark Side of the Moon' PJ's and yes they...
Good Luck on that!
Ummm....that is what the sports bar is for. Be happy with screens at pool bar Audio being brought in poolside! If huou have been there...
Well then, alright, OK. .....lemme get a pen and write all this down. Just so I can keep it all straight
Have you ever been there? There TV at the bar poolside.
That is good news CWL. Thanks for sharing. I like to think my repeated bitching and whining to Don Diego and Patty had an effect Next, maybe they...
I friggin' depise that ankle breaker step. My side of the bed of course. I cursed that step 2 or 3 times a night/morning. Goddamn Ridiculous
Ya OK disagree
Man...Marilyn and I are really goin to miss him. One of life's small simple cheap pleasures. Watching his show with a bottle of red. Man, the...
Hey Big Guy.... You'look never guess what has happened since you left us. You're drug dealing volitile Brown Doug....not Randy Ripped your widow...
Still gotta say Timmies Even though they are slipping and mistreatin' employees There coffee is better. Best proof is Pearson airport. Massive...
You are right Donald! Let's build one together right beside Margaritavilla. (1/2 way tween Hedo and Rick's) Irie Mon
4 more years have gone by and still no damn car winning tab. Timmies must hate me. Do you think if I took my pristine o-pee-chee Horton rookie... the jello pudding pop King gets house arrest. Fucker should be some con's bitch
It is a great story
As I detailed back in January.....there is no need for quiet pool bar now. The only reason it was open pre-reno, was for bar service to Bella...
Maybe invite my old buddy Colangelo (he used to run the Raps) over as well. He prolly could use some cheering Up. Gonna need a good divorce...
Well Cinderella's carriage is actually a big honkin' pumpkin again. But Boy was that ever exciting to watch. Vegas has no shame! Too bad that...