Go ugly for whom? TTR? Sorry but some of the story seems to be missing some details. Like who was the alleged employee or his job function? Who...
AMLO it is. Socialism wins. Oh boy.... Things will take a turn in Mexico and not for the better either.
Well there goes my prediction! and Spain deserved to be ousted. Maybe Vladdy is gonna get his picture with the World Cup yet!
CheeriOO! Messi and Ronaldo. Some great player you guys were.
Must've been a very, very long massage
The Three Lions got a nice draw with Columbia. C'est Dommage for MeXico tho.
How about another just so we can triple check the snag.
Well then you'like be O.K. booking them then
Do those days end with a Y? Only book days that end with a y
TTR has always had Stars Some weeks we have been there, it's over a dozen stars
Oh.... I can see the problem, right there. I showed the picture to Marilyn and she picked up on the issue right away too. It's clear as a bell....
We like the rooms that have beds and a maid and a balcony
You go there many times and get to know the place.
Me too
Ya what's Up with Dat? I know one guy who brings down like over 20 hats and wears them all the time. Imagine!
And what if my dining companions are Michael Moore and the Pope? Then can I wear a hat, so as to fit in with the table? Or does the pope have to...
But what if it's a 'Make America Great Again" bright red Lil number. And the nice restaurant is located in a Trump Hotel?
I agree MickeyD's has very good java. In fact I have never really loved Times. I loved Coffee Time and also liked Country Style coffee. But...
This time next week...we will probably know who the next president is. Will it be Obrador? And if it is, how far left is he gonna take Mexico?
Lucky bugger ...and an army pension ready to kick in. Life is good. Prolly best I don't win....cut I would most likely just spend it all on more...