They are all scams. Stay well clear. They'll ask you to send them some cash to pay some tax or contract fee before your funds can be released
It's on my page at: Live Webcam | Temptation Resort Cancun | Bash & Sexy Pool View 2022
September Boobs Cruise dates are now open for bookings! Please see the link below for more details: September 2022 Boobs Cruise Dates
September 2022 Boobs Cruise Dates are now open for bookings. We'll be running on the following dates: Fri 2 September Mon 5 September Fri 9...
September 2022 Boobs Cruises to Isla Mujeres For dates please see the 2nd post, for details of the day and how to book please read on. Our Boobs...
We have 80 booked so far for this date, looking like a sell out.
Probably too early for 2023 codes yet, there will likely be some in a few months. Exisditng codes run until end of 2022, you can find them at:...
August Boobs CRuise Dates are now open for bookings. Please see the link below for further details: August 2022 Boobs Cruise Dates
August 2022 Boobs Cruise Dates are now open for bookings. We'll be running on the following dates: Mon 1 August Fri 5 August Mon 8 August Fri 12...
August 2022 Boobs Cruises to Isla Mujeres For dates please see the 2nd post, for details of the day and how to book please read on. Our Boobs...
Folks, please sue the official rooll call, otherwise we end up with everyone split between two threads. Let's keep everyone in one place....
May 20th Boobs Cruise Cancelled Unfortunately, the Coastguard has closed all boat traffic (except ferries) for the next 3 days - Fri/Sat/Sun....
Please use the official roll call at: Temptation Roll Call July 2022
As of yesterday (10 May) masks are no longer required anywhere in Cancun. Any use of masks is purely voluntary. Cancun stats prompting this...
July 2022 Boobs Cruise Dates are now open for bookings. We'll be running on the following dates: Fri 1 July Mon 4 July Fri 8 July Mon 11 July...
July 2022 Boobs Cruises to Isla Mujeres For dates please see the 2nd post, for details of the day and how to book please read on. Our Boobs...
Were people from the US wearing masks on incoming US flights on Sunday, and before? If Mexico had a no mask required policy "for a while now",...
I don't know or care about flights from the US to Canada, why would I? Find me a link that says Mexico required masks on all inbound flights...
There has been no policy change in Mexico in the last few days. I believe there was one in the US. So, why were masks required a few days ago but...
But it's incorrect to say "Mexico hasn’t had a mask requirement for a while so Cancun is all good too." because Mexico does not dictate US airline...