To be confirmed, you have to be tested, they only tested two people. In Washington, out of 3k tests a day 7 percent return positive. Sample set...
With that reasoning, why shutdown at all, you know what I’m sayin?
Instead of getting a refund, can I get a credit for a later trip?
We’re looking at 9-16
I’d be worried about anyone who is a alcoholic and dies from a withdrawal.
Anyone have an interest in using statistical models? I can share some if there is interest
It’s the other way around, I don’t think you really want to party with old married couples and with few and far between single woman to mingle...
R.I.P. TTR. I just noticed all that bachelor party threads. Last time at TTR I had a experience with a single guy, but after my confrontation...
Yea, this is unfortunate.
Same reason why when you go to a club in Vegas, they always ask “how many guys, how many girls” they don’t try to accommodate large groups of men....
I would probably cancel if that many single guys went on, lol..
After tonight in my state, all bars/pubs, gyms recreational businesses and some dine in only restaurants are closed
I did mine through Expedia also, using credit card miles to we’ll see. Let me know how it goes.
I’m in the same boat you can check with at least moving the dates out.
You can only really fit 1-2 people in there. The suites have jacuzzis that can accommodate 4-6
Sorry I mean VIX. Was a typo The VIX is a volatility index, otherwise known as the fear indicator. Because of the virus situation ,it has...
Thanks for your thoughtful and detailed post. 2264 people died from Ebola, worldwide last year. If I had Ebola in my city like Covid19 I...
And I’ll leave this here. Good work on the containment job. Coronavirus: Mexico wants to close border with US to halt spread | Daily Mail Online
I’m in Seattle right now, and the most panic I’ve heard is from people that claim this isn’t real or anyone upset about someone else buying TP....
I'm thinking about rescheduling, but I want to see the next two weeks. Is the United States magically better than the rest of the world at this?...