Still pretty much stumped on some theme ideas so figured if hit the Halloween shop the day after and see what's on sale. Inventoried my Cancun bag...
Sitting or swaying?
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Day 28. Keep it classy San Diego.
Daria by cake!
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Day 29 - The photobombing has begun...
Sober? What's that?
Anarchy reigns.
Mother of god. I'm getting two first day curse 2 days in a row aren't i?
Woo hoo sue!
Whew. Was getting worried there for a second. I'll put the bubbly and coconut ice cream back in the suitcase.
That is the oddest rejection I've ever gotten. And I got rejected by Madeline Albright with a mime and a fruit basket!
I feel like the way the questions phrased I should say no.
Wonder if there's a candy suit?
Sweet. I liked them last year. Make sure to remind me for the Altoids about two weeks before please. Really don't want to forget those.
Pretty sure it was because of my thing. Been kicked out if more things because if it.
I have an alibi. I was at a place with a thing.
Help away. I'm pretty sure none of the rules will be walking in a straight line!
Time to take our non stop annoyance up to level 10!
In my defense, um, no. I got nothing.
Look at you getting out of your shell. I promise to ask what I put in my mouth from now on!