Looking forward to meeting you. We have a great crew!
About f'n time. You guys making it?
The hell guys. What's wrong with your old chaos buddies?
Last minute addition but added some days to my chaos crews reign and will see you guys in the 22nd.
Woo hoo!
Welcome aboard to all the newbies. Hope you survive the experience!
A sock.
I know your boobs are big but damn.
That's nap/waking up time! You expect me to be alert!?!?
I just look for Kurt. The embarrassed girl next to him is usually you.
The hell Heath? You're too early. Most of us don't get in until the 26th!
What's going on with the avatars on the list. I know half the peoe going and they all look like they went into witness protection.
Have to start keeping up with this thread more. Don and trish Aren't making it and Coree and I aren't bringing ours so if you want to bring it go...
Now I'm curious what happened in Vegas! I know. What happens there stays there.
Jesse Nov 26- dec 10
Great seeing you again brother! Can't wait for the next one!
Day 1. And so it is as it's always been. We've come back to the moment we've waited for all year. I love you all dearly and can't wait for the...
Keep mouthwash in the car? Worked for my dad when it was still legal to drink and drive in Texas. I feel old now.
He's in good shape I'm sure it's true.
With a sippy straw out if the bottle.