Couldn't tell you much. Apparently I was talking to my hand for six hours!
The vodka ones are fine. Lost half a day on the Colorado ones thinking they were the other ones. On the plus side I think I found my totem animal...
I know I'm the only one but I like the selfie song.
That's what my parole officer says.
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Day 31. Finally, one month to go! :huepfen021:
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Day 32
We'll have the welcome party ready!
Will you go if I promise to stay off the gummies?
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Day 33
Sorry, I'm out for the 28th. If it wasn't the day after lingerie night and also my first day curse I'd be down. I'll keep the hatches battoned...
About f'ing time. I was starting to get worried!
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Day 34
Way to early to think right now but do you still have all of last years?...
I'm incredibly cheap and during the swine flu years the prices with airfare dropped to under a hundred a night for singles. Met some crazy...
Don't you dare threaten me with the facts.
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Day 35
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Day 36
I've been going for 7 years now and never hung out at the beach. Too far from the bar!
I stopped playing a few years ago. Apparently I'm ultra competitive. My friends signed me up for the beer drinking contest last year and my plan...
I'm going to book my transfer around the first. I'll make it for all of us. We can grab some of those beers on the sidewalk to get the trip...