Wear the boots on the plane. Nobody needs to know if you have jeans or something on over them. There's been times I've had to pack creatively. Was...
Themes I'm participating in this year: Kink Lingerie White and neon / glow Red and Christmas Superhero Animal We leave on the 7th, so no uniform...
I thought it might be helpful to start a separate thread exclusively for Chaos Crew theme nights: the list, help, hints, tips and discussion....
Animal - animal print, animal masks, kitty ears, animal (ahem) shaped underwear (for the more daring lol), t-shirts with animals on, novelty...
Ok if I had millions of dollars to invest, what I'd do is knock down the sport's pool, build a giant hot tub and a new (covered) bar and call this...
I've not had a problem with the cleanliness. They are religiously on top of this as far as I've seen. Always seems clean to me. About the only...
TBH, I wouldn't worry so much about the table. It's used less and less each year and is a pain dragging back and forth each day I'm sure. Oh...
I need a big guy. I feel like I would break a small guy!
7 weeks party people :headbanger: [IMG]
You think it's bad now? It was even worse a couple of years ago! Bad enough even I wouldn't drink it. Now I find the red ok. It's improved...
Yes I understand your pain! A few trips ago we arrived on a Saturday and it was mayhem at the airport. We were there for over 3 hours. Some tips...
We can't bring pool pong, they don't sell it here. Amazon can import it from US but the price is ridiculous. However, I'm going to get some...
:lotsofmichaelfs: 8 WEEKS :lotsofmichaelfs:
Get some of that double-sided tit tape and you'll be fine...looking forward to seeing these new dresses! If a boob falls out, eh, no big deal!...