We might do 7 days at TTR and 3 at Golden if price doesn't go down!!
Well been a long time since I didn't post in here.. And it's the time to kicked back in.. After doing all type of reno around the house and been...
Hi everyone been a while since I came here ( busy life, renovation & what's not ) We are looking to go in april 11th to 21st. 2018. God I missed...
At this time 2h19 pm next week, I would be boarding in toronto for my flight to cancun. I can't wait. Save some sun and drinks for me :) thank you...
Yep exactly.. no nightlife at Gp and I'm totally ok with it. We are so tired and burnt that at 12h30 am it's my time to go to bed. In needed of a...
in February for a trendy room : Total Price C$5181.24 Including flight for both for a week. I paid 1000 $ less for 10 days to GP. à (I know feb...
Last april the sexy pool was very warm ( maybe a little bit too warm for me ) . A heated sport pool would be nice for midnight dip before to go...
12 more sleeps :)
Oh nice :) Few of my friend went and they really enjoy it. For us it's gonna be a laid back trip as we are really needing a relax vacation. No...
I'll not wearing any wristband but it's a really small resort ( less than 300 rooms ) so pretty sure will all find each other in the pool. We are...
You got the wrong choice of resort for sure. I would change it for either Sens or GP. But that's just me. :)
New Carrer for you ..Boobseologic ;);):):)
If someone judge you for whatever reason. They just missed the whole point of temptation. :) I don't have that perfect body and I know I have...
Ok. I'm not in the single range tho ! I've been with my man for almost 6 years now ! :)
50 for me !! :) With 21 day fix going on time is flying as well :D And Of Course. A COLDDD BUMMER ! -_-
Yes. I'm going on the 12. Keep an eye if there's a boobs cruise going on try to join. There's alot to do in cancun if you ever went. Make some...
Bought it at the end of the last summer so I'm pretty sure it will still be good. They have great sale here when the summers end.. and at this...